Episode 35: Sensational Journalist

This week the girls are joined their favorite local journalist and co-host of the Serving Ice Podcast (find them), Justin Strawser. Justin discusses his job at a local newspaper, how he got into journalism and where he thinks the newspaper industry is heading. Also, a surprise intro from Aislinn expressing her love of the performers of MNMOM.

Find Justin (and his work):
Serving Ice Podcast
The Letter Red

Episode 34: Furry Apps

After some discussion about furries, bathroom habits, creepy crawlies, and birth control, the girls get down to this weeks business and discuss their favorite smart phone apps.

Episode 33: Om to the Nom

This week the girls revisit food and cooking with a little bit of juicing and tire burning for flavor. Also, crazy franken-plants.

Episode 32: A Jorb Well Done

This week the girls are joined by Podfather Bill and his Big Wiggle Voice to talk about jobs. What did you want to be? What have done? Where do you want to go from here? Listen to the answers to these questions and more.

Episode 31: Shopping Reunion

This week the girls discuss the horrors of clothes shopping and seemingly random sizing of women’s clothing. Plus, Ashley’s family reunion fun times and Lauren shares her love of UFC.

Episode 30: Steamless Xmas

This week the girls wanted to wish you a merry xmas, but may have ruined it. Listen in for talks of fudge, hobbits and Twilight.

Bob’s Burgers Oil Spill

Episode 29: Local News

This week the girls share their favorite awful local news stories. Followed up by high school biology experiences, fellow podcasts, vampire pop culture and the long-awaited conclusion of Robin’s (Aislinn’s mother-in-law) cell phone saga.


Episode 28: MNMOMD&D

This week the girls play catch-up and talk about the most recent Mike’s No Mic Open Mic, Dungeons & Dragons, and the favorite local ghost town. Also, a bitcoin followup and the art of peeing in a cup.

Episode 27: Bitcoins, how do they work?

This week we all get an education from Curt about bitcoins and the darker corners of the internet.

Episode 26: Women’s Rights-ish

This week, The Girls talk about women’s rights for a minute, and then get extra distracted, as usual.